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Dave McLaughlin, M.S.
Adjunct Instructor

I enjoy working at the intersection of art and science, building interactive geospatial data visualization interfaces to facilitate analysis by the research community and to communicate that research to a broader audience.

Photo of Dave McLaughlin

Contact Dave

Dave McLaughlin is an instructor for GEOG 485: GIS Programming and Software Development, and a geospatial data visualization software engineer at the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences. He is a graduate of Penn State’s MGIS program. Building on extensive experience in web design and development, his graduate work focused on communicating climate change impacts through interactive web and augmented reality cartography. Through his work with researchers at ICDS, he specializes in crafting interactive geospatial data visualizations for a range of scenarios and applications. His favorite projects are those in which the goal is to make research accessible to the public through mapping interfaces. Outside of work, Dave enjoys trail running and adventuring with his two kids.