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Spatial Data Science

Use new sources of location data to develop solutions to complex problems that impact people and the environment.

Master of Science
Year Round
33 or 36 credits
2-3 Years
$1017 per credit hour

Program Overview

Our Master of Science in Spatial Data Science degree program is designed to prepare students with the analytical and technical capabilities needed to design new geospatial solutions that go beyond typical GIS applications. With courses focused on advanced spatial methods and applications, and a mentored capstone learning experience, graduates of this program will possess the scientific, technical, and leadership competencies required to research, design, and evaluate geospatial technologies in a wide range of decision-making contexts.

spatial data
Spatial Data

Explain and communicate the distinguishing characteristics of spatial data, including how they are created, sensed, stored, manipulated, and represented.

diagram of interacting data

Leverage advances in geocomputation, geovisual analytics, open geospatial data, and strategic spatial thinking to develop ethically responsible and reproducible data science workflows.


Architect and implement interactive geovisual analytical frameworks that advance the state of the art in spatial data science and solve real-world problems.

decision making

Research, critique, and map spatial analysis results in support of analytical reasoning and ethical decision-making in a variety of data-intensive spatial data science contexts.

Prepared for the Future

Graduates of this program will be able to create new analysis tools and geographic visualizations to support decision-making in a variety of real-world contexts by gaining expertise at the intersection of geographic and data science.


The Master of Science in Spatial Data Science is a 33-36-credit degree program in which it is also possible to earn a Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Programming and Web Map Development, a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in GIS, or certificates in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Intelligence while studying completely online. The degree program consists of a combination of required courses (15 credits), elective courses (15 credits), and a capstone project or thesis (3-6 credits). Students must complete at least 18 credits of 500/600 level courses to earn the M.S. in Spatial Data Science. Unlike the MGIS degree, 800 level classes can not count toward this 18 credit requirement. 

The typical student course load is expected to be three to five courses per year. It is recommended that students take only one course at a time.

GEOG 485 GIS Programming and Software Development Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, Python
GEOG 486 Cartography and Visualization Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Pro, Mapbox, Mapbox Studio, Tableau
GEOG 580 Geovisual Analytics Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Insights, ArcGIS Pro, CARTO, Tableau
GEOG 583 Geospatial System Analysis and Design Fall 1, 2024 Varies
GEOG 586 Geographic Information Analysis Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Pro, GeoDa, R

Each of these courses is three credits.

GEOG 480 Exploring Imagery and Elevation Data in GIS Applications Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Pro
GEOG 481 Topographic Mapping with Lidar Fall 2, 2024 ArcGIS Pro, GeoCue LP360
GEOG 482 Making Maps that Matter with GIS Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Story Maps, Python
GEOG 483 Problem Solving with GIS Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Story Maps
GEOG 484 GIS Database Development Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ModelBuilder
GEOG 489 Advanced Python Programming for GIS Fall 2, 2024 Anaconda, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, GDAL, Github, Jupyter, OGR, OpenStreetMap, Python, QGIS, R
GEOG 585 Open Web Mapping Fall 2, 2024 CSS, GDAL, GeoServer, HTML, Javascript, Leaflet, OGR, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, QGIS, TileMill
GEOG 861 The Earth is Round and Maps are Flat: Spatial Reference Systems in GIS N/A ArcGIS Pro, Geocart
GEOG 865 Cloud and Server GIS Fall 2, 2024 Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Server, CARTO, HTML, Javascript, Mapbox, Portal for ArcGIS
GEOG 868 Spatial Database Management Fall 1, 2024 Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS Pro, ArcSDE/Multiuser Geodatabases, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, QGIS, SQL
GEOG 871 Geospatial Technology Project Management Fall 1, 2024 Microsoft Project, Project Libre
GEOG 884 Spatial Data Science and Intelligence Analysis Fall 2, 2024 ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, CARTO, GeoDa, QGIS
GEOG 885 Advanced Analytic Methods in Geospatial Intelligence Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Story Maps
GEOG 892 Unmanned Aerial Systems Fall 1, 2024 Pix4D

Talk to your adviser about flexibility with number of credits in this section.

The following courses are not offered by the Geography Department but may be used as electives. See the Graduate Bulletin for details.

  • DAAN 862: Analytics Programming in Python
  • DAAN 871: Data Visualization
  • IE 575: Foundations of Predictive Analytics
  • STAT 500: Applied Statistics
  • STAT 508: Applied Data Mining and Statistical Learning

GEOG 479 Spatial Data Science for Cyber and Human Social Networks Fall 2, 2024 NodeXL
GEOG 487 GEOG 487: Environmental Challenges in Spatial Data Science Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Story Maps, OpenStreetMap, Prezi
GEOG 571 Intelligence Analysis, Cultural Geography, and Homeland Security Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Story Maps, Google MyMaps, Portal for ArcGIS
GEOG 581 Spatial Data Science Ethics Fall 1, 2024
GEOG 587 Conservation GIS Spring 2, 2025 ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, R
GEOG 588 Analytical Approaches in Spatial Data Science Fall 1, 2024 R, R Studio
GEOG 589 Emerging Trends in Remote Sensing Fall 2, 2024 ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, Google Earth Engine, Javascript, Python
GEOG 591 GIS for Analysis of Health Fall 2, 2024 ArcGIS, GeoDa, R
GEOG 850 Location Intelligence for Business Fall 2, 2024 ArcGIS Online, Claritas PRIZM, Esri Business Analyst Online (BAO), US Census Bureau
GEOG 858 Spatial Data Science for Emergency Management N/A ArcGIS Pro
GEOG 863 Web Application Development for the Geospatial Professional Fall 1, 2024 ArcGIS API for Javascript, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, CodePen, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Portal for ArcGIS
GEOG 871 Geospatial Technology Project Management Fall 1, 2024 Microsoft Project, Project Libre
GEOG 882 Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence Fall 1, 2024
GEOG 883 Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Applications Fall 1, 2024 Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, eCognition Developer

Talk to your adviser about flexibility with number of credits in this section.

The following courses are not offered by the Geography Department but may be used as electives. See the  Graduate Bulletin for details.

  • APDEM 802: Data, GIS, and Applied Demography
  • GEODZ 511: Geodesign History, Theory, Principles
  • GEODZ 822: Geodesign Models I: Decision and Evaluation
  • MKTG 811: Driving Business Success with Marketing Analytics

With mentorship from a faculty advisor, students may choose a capstone course (3 credits) or thesis option (6 credits) to fulfill their culminating experience requirement and demonstrate integration of knowledge and research experience acquired during their time in the spatial data science degree program.

Students who choose the capstone course option (GEOG 570) must produce a work product, paper suitable for publication, and formal oral presentation that demonstrates analytical thinking and synthesis of knowledge in the field of spatial data science. Students are encouraged to utilize an industry internship or current employer to identify a relevant or practical problem of importance that spatial data science methods could address and to advance the state of the art in order to solve that problem.

Students who choose the thesis option (GEOG 600) must write and defend, at an oral examination, a thesis based upon original research in the field of spatial data science. The thesis will demonstrate depth of knowledge to their advisor, a second reader, and the director of the SDS graduate program. Students who choose the thesis option for their culminating experience should expect the the two thesis classes to span multiple semesters. You will need committee approval to move from the first class to the second.

GEOG 570 (3 credits) Capstone in Spatial Data Science Fall 1, 2024 Varies
GEOG 600B (2 offerings of GEOG 600 for a total of 6 credits) Thesis Research Part 2 Fall 1, 2024 Varies

Ready to advance your skills in Spatial Data Science?