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Course Calendar

We offer over 30 courses in five 10-week terms each year: two every fall, two every spring, and one every summer.

Class and Registration Calendar

Most classes are offered in 10-week sessions, which allows for all certificates to be completed in one year or less. Most capstone experiences for Master's students are 16 weeks in length.

Dates for 10-week Classes

SPRING 1, 2025 SPRING 2, 2025 SUMMER 2025 FALL 1, 2025
Registration Begins* October 16 October 16 February 3 April 25
Classes Start January 8 February 26 May 21 August 20
Registration Deadline January 12 March 2 May 18 August 24
Classes End March 19 May 7 July 30 October 29

Dates for 16-week Classes

(GEOG 570, GEOG 594A, and GEOG 870)

 Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025
Registration Begins*April 19October 10February 4April 18
Classes StartAugust 26January 13May 19August 18
Registration DeadlineAugust 25January 12May 18August 24
Classes EndDecember 20May 9August 15December 21

*Registration deadlines are different for nondegree and degree-seeking students. Please check the Registration Timetable for details. If you are a degree-seeking student, look for the number of credits you have earned under “Graduate Students.” If you are a certificate student, choose “Nondegree” under Graduate Students.

Schedule of Classes

Course Topics Technologies Spring 1, 2025 Spring 2, 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 1, 2025
Geospatial Intelligence NodeXL Thomas, G
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis ArcGIS Pro TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis ArcGIS Pro, GeoCue LP360 Heidemann, H TBA
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking, Geospatial Programming and Software Development ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Story Maps, Python Avery, A Gaertner, B Goldsberry, A Goldsberry, A
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Story Maps King, B King, B Avery, A King, B
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking ArcGIS Pro, ModelBuilder Zeiders, M Zeiders, M Zeiders, M
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, Python Giannakis, P Detwiler, J Giannakis, P Kling, J
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking ArcGIS Pro, Mapbox, Mapbox Studio, Tableau Kessler, F Suárez, M Suárez, M Iverson, A
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Story Maps, Prezi Goldsberry, A Zeiders, M Zeiders, M
Geospatial Programming and Software Development Anaconda, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, GDAL, Github, Jupyter, OGR, OpenStreetMap, Python, QGIS, R Kling, J TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies TBA TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies TBA TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies Gaertner, B TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Story Maps, Google MyMaps, Portal for ArcGIS Livecchi, C Sulewski, L TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development ArcGIS Insights, ArcGIS Pro, CARTO, Tableau Robinson, A Burnicki, A Burnicki, A
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking DiBiase, D DiBiase, D
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development Zhou, B
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking Varies Gaertner, B Baxter, R Gaertner, B Gaertner, B
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking, Geospatial Programming and Software Development CSS, GDAL, GeoServer, HTML, Javascript, Leaflet, OGR, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, QGIS, TileMill Giannakis, P Giannakis, P
Applications in GIS ArcGIS Pro, GeoDa, R Kessler, F
Lin, Y
Burnicki, A Suárez, M Kessler, F
Applications in GIS, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, R Piekielek, N
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development R, R Studio Suárez, M Suárez, M
Applications in GIS, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, Google Earth Engine, Javascript, Python Miller, D
Applications in GIS ArcGIS, GeoDa, R
Geospatial Intelligence Varies Thomas, G Bacastow, T Thomas, G
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies TBA TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies TBA TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies
Geospatial Intelligence Varies
Geospatial Intelligence Varies
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, D3, HTML, Javascript, R, Tableau
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies TBA TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies TBA TBA TBA
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence ArcGIS Online, Claritas PRIZM, Esri Business Analyst Online (BAO), US Census Bureau
Applications in GIS ArcGIS Pro
Applications in GIS ArcGIS Pro, Geocart
Geospatial Programming and Software Development ArcGIS API for Javascript, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, CodePen, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Portal for ArcGIS Kroon, J TBA Kroon, J
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Server, CARTO, HTML, Javascript, Mapbox, Portal for ArcGIS Baxter, R
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS Pro, ArcSDE/Multiuser Geodatabases, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, QGIS, SQL Detwiler, J Detwiler, J
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Programming and Software Development, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Varies Baxter, R TBA
Applications in GIS, Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking Microsoft Project, Project Libre DiBiase, D Croswell, P Croswell, P Croswell, P
Geospatial Intelligence Handwerk, S Thomas, M Corson, M Handwerk, S
Fundamentals of GIS and Mapmaking, Geospatial Intelligence, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, eCognition Developer Sharma, J TBA Sharma, J
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, CARTO, GeoDa, QGIS Steiner, D
Applications in GIS, Geospatial Intelligence ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Story Maps Bacastow, T Jimenez, D Sulewski, L
Applications in GIS, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis Pix4D Abdullah, Q Abdullah, Q

What Our Students Say

Related to my job.

The course content was related to what I was doing at my job. I was focusing on programming and development and I was able to take courses where I could implement the content at work. That was really important to me instead of just theory.

— Jaclyn Meade Cardillo, MGIS