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GEOG 858
Spatial Data Science for Emergency Management
fire helicopters flying over a burning forest

Geospatial perspectives and technologies play a major role in planning for and responding to emergencies. Geospatial tools - from aerial mapping techniques to data acquisition - are changing rapidly along with emergency management, as the frequency and magnitude of crises and disasters is increasing.

This course provides an understanding of how geospatial perspectives and technologies support all stages of emergency management activities, from small-scale emergency management efforts to large-scale disaster/humanitarian efforts. This includes learning about commonly used and emerging geospatial tools. It also includes an exploration of advancements in data collection, processing and analysis capabilities, such as unmanned aerial systems, geospatial artificial intelligence, volunteered geographic information, social media, and many more.

At a Glance


Applications in GIS
ArcGIS Pro
SyllabusGEOG 858 Sample Syllabus
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GEOG 858

We offer over 30 courses in five 10-week terms each year: two every fall, two every spring and one every summer.