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GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence
aerial photo of forest fire

A good detective or researcher like Sherlock Holmes knows the fundamental questions that need to be answered to gather facts to solve a problem. So how does geospatial intelligence contribute to answering these questions? While geospatial technology is useful in revealing who, what, when, and where events take place, it is less useful in explaining why events occur. However, geospatial intelligence analysis leverages geographic information science and technology with the intelligence tradecraft to develop products that support decision-making in national and homeland security, law enforcement, emergency management, and international relief efforts. GEOG 882 will challenge you to think critically, consider alternative viewpoints, and question your own assumptions when analyzing why human events occur over place and time.

At a Glance


Geospatial Intelligence
SyllabusGEOG 882 Sample Syllabus
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GEOG 882

Upcoming Offerings

Semester Instructor
Spring 2, 2025 Michael L. Thomas, Ph.D.
Summer 2025 Mark Corson, Ph.D.
Fall 1, 2025 Stephen P. Handwerk, M.A.
Fall 1, 2025 Stephen P. Handwerk, M.A.
Fall 2, 2025 Mark Corson, Ph.D.

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We offer over 30 courses in five 10-week terms each year: two every fall, two every spring and one every summer.