My academic interests fall in the realm of cartography. Specifically, I am interested in datums and map projections.

Contact Fritz
Fritz Kessler is an instructor for GEOG 861: Map Projections for Professionals, GEOG 583: Geospatial System Analysis and Design, GEOG 486: Cartography and Visualization, and GEOG 586: Geographic Information Analysis. He is a teaching professor in the Department of Geography and was previously professor and chair of the Department of Geography at Frostburg State University in Frostburg, MD. He is the admissions chair for the MGIS and Spatial Data Science Programs. He received his PhD from the University of Kansas in 1999, his MS from Penn State in 1991, and his BS from Ohio University in 1988. He recently collaborated with other Kansas PhD alumni to write the book Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization and co-authored Working with Map Projections: A Guide to Their Selection.