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GEOG 586
Geographic Information Analysis
heat map of the eastern United States

In this data rich world, we need to understand how things are organized on the Earth's surface. Those features are represented by spatial data and necessarily depend upon what surrounds them. Spatial statistics provide insights into explaining processes that create patterns in spatial data. In geographical information analysis, spatial statistics such as point pattern analysis, spatial autocorrelation, and spatial interpolation will analyze the spatial patterns, spatial processes, and spatial association that characterize spatial data. Understanding spatial analysis will help you realize what makes spatial data special and why spatial analysis reveals a truth about spatial data.

At a Glance


Applications in GIS
ArcGIS Pro
SyllabusGEOG 586 Syllabus

Upcoming Offerings

Semester Instructor
Fall 1, 2024 Fritz Kessler, Ph.D.
Fall 2, 2024 Brandi Gaertner, Ph.D.
Fall 2, 2024 Amy Burnicki, Ph.D.
Spring 1, 2025 Yanling Li, Ph.D.
Spring 1, 2025 Fritz Kessler, Ph.D.
Spring 2, 2025 Amy Burnicki, Ph.D.
Summer 2025 Marcela Suárez, Ph.D.

Meet Our Faculty Instructors

Amy's research interests include investigating the perceptual and cognitive processes involved in map reading and applications of GIS to historical geography.

We offer over 30 courses in five 10-week terms each year: two every fall, two every spring and one every summer.