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GEOG 588
Analytical Approaches in Spatial Data Science
GEOG 588 - hands type on keyboard

This course invites students to rethink traditional spatial analysis and geocomputational methods as well as to investigate and apply new concepts and methods offered by spatial data science to leverage the use of different types of geographic information to tackle real-world problems. This course focuses on theoretical discussions on relevant topics and methods used in spatial data science, as well as on applying a range of spatial data science skills and tools to solve real-world problems and model geographic phenomena. Students will read, discuss and synthesize research articles, and develop coding solutions for spatial data science tasks. No prior coding experience is required for this course, but two soft skills are a must to succeed: 1. the ability to move past debugging frustrations and work independently to find solutions, and 2. a collaborative attitude towards work.

At a Glance


Applications in GIS
Geospatial Programming and Software Development
R Studio
SyllabusGEOG 588 Sample Syllabus

Upcoming Offerings

Semester Instructor
Fall 1, 2024 Marcela Suárez, Ph.D.
Spring 1, 2025 Marcela Suárez, Ph.D.

Meet Our Faculty Instructors

We offer over 30 courses in five 10-week terms each year: two every fall, two every spring and one every summer.