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Matt Beaty, Ph.D.
Adjunct Instructor

I work for the Australian Climate Service supporting disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and resilience. My work surrounds natural hazards/climate risk and health geography.

Matt Beaty

Contact Matt

Matt is an instructor in the Online Geospatial Education program and also works for the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Both here and for previous work for the Bureau of Meteorology, he has focused on disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Prior to this, Matt worked for the Australian Government Department of Health in the Health Analytics Branch, which included work on the COVID-19 response through developing analysis and maps for decision makers. Before joining the Department of Health, he was a Senior Experimental Scientist in the Cities Program and Climate Adaptation Flagship at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia’s national research organization. Before that, he did his Ph.D. work in Geography at Penn State!

Matt’s current work focuses on using geospatial analysis to better understand relationships between the built environment, vulnerable populations and climate-related hazards such as heat waves, floods and bushfire. This research focuses on current conditions and the future conditions expected under different climate change scenarios. He is also interested in how geospatial data and analysis can identify mitigation and adaptation opportunities through a range of social, engineering and environmental interventions. He has also undertaken projects on fire ecology, green infrastructure, transportation logistics, and urban planning.


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