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Peter L. Croswell, GISP, PMP, CMS
Adjunct Instructor

I work with GIS and IT assessment, planning, and implementation assistance. I provide consulting, advisory, and project management services to clients in government and the private sector.

Pete Croswell

Contact Peter

Peter Croswell is the president of Croswell-Schulte Information Technology Consultants, Inc. in Frankfort, KY and an Instructor for Penn State’s online Master of GIS program. Pete’s education includes a BA degree in Geography (with minor in Math) from the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany and master’s degree (Geography/Geology) from Western Illinois University with specializations in cartography, remotes sensing, and geomorphology. His work experience includes 6 years in state government working as an analyst and then manager of an early GIS program and environmental regulatory work in the State of Kentucky (Natural Resources Cabinet). Since the mid-1980s, he has been a consultant in GIS and IT, getting involved in a large array of needs assessment, design, planning, and project management support work for federal, state, and local governments, utility companies, and other types of public sector and private organizations--including international work in Europe, China, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.

Pete is a past board member and president of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and is active in many professional organizations. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), GIS Professional (GISP), and ASPRS Certified mapping Scientist (CMS). He has written many papers, special publications, and several published books on IT and GIS technical and management topics. This includes the 3rd Edition (2022) of The GIS Management Handbook.


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